The Warrior of Love

The Warrior of Love

I am a newly 23-year-old me. Me.

How do I describe that? How do I describe me?

Well, I am a suicide attempt survivor. I am a rape victim who is finally coming to terms with the idea of having PTSD. I am an individual living with several mental illnesses and a chronic physical illness. I am a disaster.

Let's try this again.

I am an amateur entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of a soon-to-launch small business named Reciprocitea. A business that was inspired by the fact that I chose life and continue to choose it each day, so that I might have the opportunity to help someone else choose it too.

I am a warrior of love determined to use her scars- internal, and external to help others.

I am a mental health and suicide prevention advocate determined to use her voice to speak for those who feel they do not have one.

I am a woman on a day to day, moment to moment journey to not only promote self-love, but understand and incorporate it into my everyday life. I am a woman who is learning to truly love herself again. I may be a disaster, but I am a beautiful one. One that deserves love, too.
–Teagan Kempe, (photo credit: Josiah Davie Photography)