All The Best Things That Happened In 2017

All The Best Things That Happened In 2017

2017 was a rollercoaster, to say the least. The climate of the world (actual climate, political and otherwise) had serious ups and downs. It felt like every other day there was something that rocked our world in ways we couldn’t expect.

The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming when the hurricanes in the south and Puerto Rico left so many people with damaged homes and without access to water and electricity. And then there was the earthquake in Mexico. And then the fires in our backyards of Southern California. Waking up to the devastation of multiple shootings in the United States. Terrorist attacks around the world. And then couple all of that and more with events in your life that didn’t make national news. How did we find space to breathe?

Well, for all of the bad, the universe dealt us some good. To celebrate the achievements we and the world accomplished this year, we’re giving out 2017 superlatives (just like in high school).

Coolest Event on Earth: The Women’s March

The day after President Trump was inaugurated women (and men) around the world came together in protest. But even more so than that, these people were putting their voices into the universe to be heard. Nearly 1 million people marched in Washington and nearly 3 million more around the U.S. Did you attend one? It was absolutely magical seeing women all around me marching for equality, getting off social media and into the streets and fighting for equality.

Coolest Event in Space: The Eclipse & the Path of Totality

On Monday, August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse was visible across a band of the United States. Did you step outside to witness the event? Thousands of people did. For those who made their way to the Path of Totality, it was a really strange experience, where the sky went dark for a few minutes and all the animals freaked out. If you missed it, we have another chance in 2024.

Class clown: Unicorn Food

Why are people obsessed with unicorn food? We don’t know, but we do think it’s cute.

Best Movement: #MeToo

Who would’ve thought that men across the entertainment industry and otherwise would be disrupted by a group of serious women holding them accountable for their actions? Not us. Founded by Tarana Burke and spread by celebrities, activists and everything in between, #MeToo brought light to the rampant sexual harassment and assault that takes place on a daily basis. Women (and men) stood up for themselves, and it was inspiring to say the least. Top all that off with making the cover of Time.

Cutest Couple: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

A minority. American. Divorced. Meghan Markle is unlike any part of the royal family, but watching her and Harry...they just fit. Their energy and love are infectious and we’re just so happy for their future together.

Most Likely to Walk on the Moon: Peggy Whitson broke the US record for the most cumulative days spent in orbit.

Talk about out of this world. In April, Peggy Whitson made history and broke the US record for the most cumulative days spent in orbit: 534 days, two hours, 49 minutes at the International Space Station. She’s a real-life hero.

Best Voice: “Bodak Yellow” reaches No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100

We LOVE Cardi B. And so does the rest of world apparently. With “Bodak Yellow,” Cardi became the first female rapper since 1998 to reach the number 1 spot on Billboard Hot 100. Hailing from the Bronx, Cardi embodies working hard and loving herself. She is so unapologetically herself. We’re excited to see what’s next for this woman.

Most Changed: Diverse Winners at the Oscars and Emmys

From #OscarsSoWhite, to Moonlight winning Best Picture over slated favorite La La Land. What a transformation that can take place in a years time. At the Emmys, we saw writers and actors of color, like Aziz Ansari and Sterling K. Brown, win big in major categories. Our favorite though? Lena Waithe taking home the Emmy for Best Comedy Writing as the first black woman to win. Cheers to more diversity and representation in 2018!

Most Likely to Save & Inspire You: Wonder Woman

Could you go anywhere this summer without seeing little girls in the Wonder Woman gear? Or also adults? Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, and Patty Jenkins proved to the world that 1. Women are amazing and 2. We need more female superheroes represented on television.

Most Likely to Save the Planet: Honeybees Numbers Went Up

Afraid of bees? Well, they are what keep the environment around us working and the lifecycle in harmony, as they perform about 80 percent of the pollination worldwide. Over a decade ago, beekeepers started reporting declines in honeybee populations. In April 2017, colonies existing in the U.S. were up 3 percent! But that shouldn’t stop us from continuing to save the bees -- learn how here.

Most Likely to Be President: Virginia Elected Its First Openly Trans Lawmaker

In a year where the LGBTQA felt the waves of not being represented, especially by anti-trans legislation, Danica Roem’s win in Virginia was a win for citizens across the country. She is the first openly transgender person elected to a state legislature in the US, and we’re so excited to watch her take on this position and enact incredible change.

Thank you to our tribe for an incredible year. We at Fred and Far are so lucky to witness your journeys and share your successes (and everything that happens to get there). As always, please feel free to share your highs and lows with us here or via email at Here’s to hoping for a year brighter than last.