Friday Feature: Boss Babe Rianna Lane

Friday Feature: Boss Babe Rianna Lane

Each week, our Friday Feature celebrates powerful women from our tribe who share their magic with the world in unique and inspiring ways. Two weeks ago, we started a Boss Babe Friday Feature series, and chatted with multiple women in our community whose passions and creativity have made them fierce entrepreneurs. These go-getters share their journeys, hurdles they've had to overcome, and wisdom they've picked up along the way, which we are so excited to be able to share.

Meet Rianna Lane, Founder of Coast + Cove

Give us one line describing what your business is about! 

Globally inspired, creatively designed goods.

When did you start the business? 

I started Coast + Cove around the holiday season of 2017.

Why did you start the business? What inspired you? 

Funny story, my friend had an Etsy shop for pillows she sells and was asking me to help her figure out something on the backend of Etsy. I couldn’t figure out how to get into Etsy without posting a product, so I had to figure out something.

I had a blanket that was made of mudcloth and faux fur that I thought would be a fun project to make, but only had three sides of it sewn (as sewing alone was new to me, but I had recently purchased a sewing machine to try to make a baby blanket for my new niece). So I listed this “three-sides sewn” blanket on an Etsy shop and, to my HUGE surprise, the next day it was already purchased!

As soon as I received that email notification. I ran up and down the hallways of my apartment building (which is mainly retired, older folks) asking if anyone had a sewing needle! Luckily, one neighbor did (after she dug through her closet for a while) and TA-DA my first blanket was finished and shipped to its new home by the next day!

Growing up in New Hampshire, life was always cozy - hot tea and crunchy leaves, comfy blankets curled up by the fireplace. Living in Los Angeles, I found it hard to find that feeling. In 2016 I volunteered in Ghana, West Africa, for a month building libraries in schools there and providing the students with books. It quickly became one of my favorite places in the world, with the most welcoming, friendly people, and I wanted to see how I could make my home always remind me of this trip.

On all of my travels I have brought home artwork and built frames for the pieces, but from Africa I was more intrigued by the fabrics. By combining these fabrics, which mainly come from Mali and Burkina Faso, with a snuggly faux fur, I get to create something that is both globally inspired as well as cozy. 


What are you most proud of accomplishing so far? 

I am most proud of the fact that I am doing something for myself. I am constantly doing so much for others, which I love, but gets overwhelming and I often forget that my time matters too. By starting Coast + Cove I get to do something for myself but also know that I am creating something that people love. It’s the best of all worlds.

What hurdle did you have to overcome to get this far? 

Self-doubt. Every time I ship out a new throw I am overcome with worry. I love them so much but am always afraid my work isn’t good enough or the receiver won’t be happy with my creation. This is still something I am working on conquering but the mountain is turning more and more into a molehill with every throw I ship out.

What's one lesson you've learned that you wish someone had taught you before starting your business? 

Can I have two? My first would be to be patient with yourself - it’s all a learning process. My second would be a lesson my mother taught me when I was young - take it one step at a time. Growing up as a skier, I would stare down from the top of the mountain, overwhelmed by the daunting task in front of me, but if I took the steep slope one turn at a time it ended up being really fun!

With Coast + Cove, I cannot count how many times I have pricked my fingers sewing or felt really overwhelmed by all the fabric I have in front of me, but I have learned that, instead of seeing the whole project in front of me and by instead taking it one piece at a time, I can enjoy the process instead of being overwhelmed by it.

How has your Self Love Pinky Ring and the commitment you made to choose yourself impacted your journey as an entrepreneur? 

My self love pinky ring glistens when I feed the mudcloth through the sewing machine and is a constant reminder of why I am doing this. I am doing this to make my dreams come true and my dreams are a whole lot bigger than myself.

I aspire to help others. It’s important for me to share global products with the world, as I think the smaller we all realize the world truly is the more we will grow to love, appreciate and inspire each other. My ring is a constant reminder that I matter, what I do matters, and what I love matters.


How can we follow your brand!?


Shop Rianna's ring below as a daily reminder that your dreams are attainable and that you, what you do, and what you love matter!