How to Love Yourself (The Cycle of Self)

How to Love Yourself (The Cycle of Self)

You begin by knowing yourself. Who you are, now, today, not who you were before, who you wish you were, or who others wish you were. You. Today. Now. Your essence. Your me. This is self discovery.

As you discover and embrace yourself and your needs, you begin to care for them. You make time. You make space. You nurture yourself with your attention and commitment. This is self care.

You know who you are, and you care for yourself. All parts of you. The good, the bad, the light, the dark, the popular, the unpopular, the complex, the simple. This is self acceptance.

You own your worth and fuel it. Your worth is yours. You are whole, without the infusion of anyone else's energy, acceptance, love, care, or praise. This is self worth.

And you continue. On and on. Over and over. You commit to this cycle of self discovery, self care, self acceptance, and self worth. This is self love.