On October 5th, 2021 my book Self Love Poetry was reborn into the world, and you could say, so was I. I initially self-published my debut poetry collection, Self Love Poetry: For Thinkers & Feelers, in October of 2020. Shortly after, Andrews McMeel, the greatest publisher of the poetry genre, reached out to me to acquire the book and help it reach a new, bigger audience. Me, someone who has always aspired to becoming a published author, couldn't resist. I said yes to the deal, and in that way said yes to my most authentic self: I gave myself permission to make a decision not based on being in complete control or making the most money, but on feeling supported and focusing on my calling. This is the change self love brought into my life: choosing myself, and for the right reasons, while accepting support and love.
On October 5th, not only was my book published, I had my very first book launch event. Despite having written and self-published three books previously, this is the first time I gave myself permission to fully celebrate. Thanks to the support of Diesel: A Bookstore (my favorite, local bookstore) and my publisher, I was able to host an incredible night of books, cookies, friends, and poetry. I gave the speech of my lifetime, in addition to doing a reading and signing 100 books. It was without a doubt, one of the most important and memorable nights of my life.
You can pick up your copy of Self Love Poetry wherever books are sold, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indiebound.com.
Click here for a complete list of bookseller links
I'm happy to share some highlights from the event.
You can watch my entire speech below. Every word was impromptu and unrehearsed, and completely from my heart.
In true Fred and Far fashion, Melody styled the Self Love Pinky ring and the ME ring with her other favorite gold pieces.

She also styled the Fred and Far Double Clip Necklace in rose gold with a Self Love Pinky Ring in rose gold.