The Independent One

The Independent One

"The past ten years have not exactly been a walk through a park. Sometimes it felt like walking through the seventh circle of hell, but nonetheless, I kept going. I made it through obstacles I thought would break me. I made it through all the madness and the sorrow and the heartbreak. Somehow, I made it to today. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this is where I would be. I realize, I have been selling myself short. I am where I am because of all my hard work, dedication, and resilience. So to mark this new chapter in my life, with my first first paycheck in over ten years, I bought myself this little ring. This little ring means an awful lot. It is a statement of financial freedom, and independence. It is a symbol of courage, strength, and, hope. I will forge on my own path, because I can look back at the hellfire I walked through, and known I can make it." -Amanda