The One Who Came Back to Life (With a Vengeance)

The One Who Came Back to Life (With a Vengeance)

"In 2018, I went through a terrible breakup when someone I thought I trusted. It was so bad that for months I didn’t know who I was. I felt like I had lost myself and my creativity. I deleted all of my social media and completely isolated myself with the exception of Pinterest which helped me heal and find myself again. One day while pinning to my narcissistic abuse and self love recovery board, I stumbled across a Fred and Far pin. I IMMEDIATELY visited the website and wrote to Melody to thank her for advocating self-love. That was a pivotal moment for me because I came back to life (with a vengeance) and everyone noticed. I bought my ring shortly after, did a post-breakup photo shoot with my ring and just started being the badass I originally was.

After beginning to truly love myself I never looked back. My ring is my reminder to love myself and all that I am with a purpose. When I wear my Self Love Pinky Ring, I feel like a true divine feminine. I feel like the woman that I aspired to be for so long while going through my journey to womanhood.

Since 2018, I have been living my BEST life since rediscovering and reinventing ME and truly loving myself all over again. I have no regrets."

-Latia Nelson, Hilton Head Island, SC

Connect with Latia on Instagram @sheis_devine91

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