The Working Mom

The Working Mom

I’m a personal trainer, a mom and a wife. It seemed like every minute of my day was spent caring for someone else. I almost lost my “me” until I stopped and realized, that I needed to allow myself to be important in my life. For me that meant taking 1 1/2 hours daily to exercise. Daily… first “to do” on the list, not the last. Not only has that saved me, it makes me better for all the people that count on me. I not only have more energy, but am happier in completing the daily tasks. As a trainer I’ve worked with other women with the same symptoms as I had and now I’m able to help. It’s amazing after a one-hour workout, we all feel like we can conquer the world. Whenever I get caught up in my old habits I look at my pinky ring and it reminds me to stop and take a breath and find “me.”