很多女生都會警告身旁的男生朋友,戒指不要亂送,因為那是有特別意義的。當然,結婚戒指是滿載著兩人的愛和對將來的期盼,但其實要「戴上」愛,又不一定要靠另一半的。美國一個飾物品牌Fred& Far就推出了一款不論是單身、戀愛中還是已婚的女生也適合的戒指──Self Love Pinky Ring。
品牌的兩位創辦人Samira Far和Melody Godfred表示,結婚戒指代表著跟另一半的承諾,但這枚Self Love Pinky Ring則代表著跟自己的承諾。有14K黃金、白金或玫瑰金3款物料選擇,配搭一枚1.5卡的白色寶石。Samira和Melody透露,Self Love Pinky Ring是專為尾指設計的,這是因為尾指常常都是被遺忘的一隻,就如女生時常都忘記要愛自己一樣。
或許你會欣賞這枚Self Love Pinky Ring的設計意念,或許你會認為她們懂得捉摸女性的購物心態,但你有沒有想過,是什麼時候開始,女生是否開心,也要由別人來決定,或是要靠一枚戒指來提醒?「學懂愛人之前,就要先學懂愛自己」這句話,是真的好老土,卻不是每個女生都明白箇中道理。與其要千方百計的找一個人來愛自己,為自己戴上戒指,倒不如學會愛自己寵自己,哪怕是一枚戒指或是一顆糖果,也會讓你開心半天吧!
There is a goddess married! 40-year-old Shu Qi and 42-year-old Stephen Fung suddenly came the good news, so many people really shocked and happy. Every time I see female stars get married, in addition to envy they can find a good destination, of course, their wedding and wedding ring will be curious. When it comes to wedding rings, about every girl has a desire to find that "he", and then personally put the gadgets to wear their own hands. In fact, you have not thought about, the ring, you can buy it by yourself?
Many girls will warn the boys next to friends, rings do not mess, because it is of special significance. Of course, the wedding ring is full of love and hope for the future, but in fact to "wear" love, do not have to rely on the other half. The United States a jewelry brand Fred & Far on the introduction of a single, whether in love or married girls also fit the ring ─ ─ Love Love Pinky Ring.
Samira Far and Melody Godfred, the two founders of the brand, said the wedding ring represents a promise to the other half, but the Self Love Pinky Ring represents a commitment. There are 14K gold, platinum or rose gold 3 material selection, matching a 1.5 card white gem. Samira and Melody said, Self Love Pinky Ring is designed specifically for the tail finger, because the tail is often a forgotten one, as girls often forget to love their own.
Ring price of 325 US dollars, equivalent to about 2,500 Hong Kong dollars, in addition to the selection of materials, but also can customize their own size, as a gift to their own, or to encourage the girlfriend is also a good choice.
Perhaps you will appreciate this Self Love Pinky Ring design ideas, perhaps you will think they know how to understand women's shopping mentality, but you have not thought about, when to start, girls are happy, but also by others to decide, or Is to rely on a ring to remind? "Before learning to love, we must first learn to love yourself" This sentence is really good old fashioned, but not every girl understands the truth. To do everything possible to find a person to love themselves, to wear their own rings, it would be better to learn to love their own pet, even if it is a ring or a candy, will make you happy for a long time it!