Move Over Valentine's Day: We’re Celebrating #ILoveMe Day Instead

Move Over Valentine's Day: We’re Celebrating #ILoveMe Day Instead

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, and especially if you’re not, Valentine’s Day has a tendency to at best, disappoint, and at worst, devastate. While some have tried to tack on Singles Awareness Day to February 14th to make it more inclusive, that name doesn’t make us feel any better about not being in a relationship. When you’re single, you’re aware. No holiday needed.

The best thing about Valentine’s Day is the celebration of love. Why should those of us who cannot check “in a relationship” as our relationship status be left out? We shouldn’t and this year, we’re not sitting Valentine’s Day out. We’re reclaiming it.

This year (and every year after), we’re going to celebrate ourselves on 2/14, a day we at Fred and Far are rebranding as I Love Me Day. On our inaugural I Love Me Day, we’re encouraging women to celebrate their love for themselves by taking the #ilovemeday pledge on Instagram. Whether you’re in a relationship, single, or in the “it’s complicated” boat, every woman should join us because self love is not only the best love, it is inclusive of all women.

Post a selfie on Instagram and caption it by describing what you love most about yourself, add the hashtag #ilovemeday, and tag us @fredandfar so we can make your day extra special. Help us reclaim Valentine’s Day by tagging three of your friends to do the same. For many, social media feeds are the hardest to handle during the holidays, when it’s easy to feel left out or isolated as others put their seemingly best lives on display. Let’s change that by making I Love Me Day something everyone can be part of and feel good about.  

Now that you’ve established how lovable you are, take yourself on a date to celebrate. Here are 25 Solo Date ideas we’ve put together to ensure you have the best I Love Me Day possible.