Article on Self-Care September


Self-Care September "Find Your ME" 30-Day Challenge

Welcome to our four-week Self-Care September “Find Your ME” 30-Day Challenge & Giveaway, where we are making a daily commitment to discovering and honoring your ME - your true, complete self. Each week will focus on a theme, and we will embody that theme through daily movement meditations, mindfulness exercises and more all led by DeenaOH of MindBodyGrace. If you're not familiar with Alexander technique teacher Deena Odelle Hyatt, make sure to read our interview with her.  Through this four-week challenge, we will explore these questions:Who is The Whole and True ME? Where is my center? How do I find...

Article on A Pinky Promise to Support Social Justice


A Pinky Promise to Support Social Justice

2020, so far, has been a year of drastic change. Some good, but a lot scary, different, and uncertain. Compounding the global Coronavirus pandemic have been nearly three months of protests surrounding the unjust deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, and countless others, from police brutality and systemic racism. The change being asked for is coming, sometimes in drips, sometimes in waves. But the fight is difficult, especially for Black women and girls who are often cast in the role of savior, even though all of us should be doing our part to achieve the transformative change our country...

Article on Becoming the Self Love Philosopher - Melody Godfred on Single Serving Podcast


Becoming the Self Love Philosopher - Melody Godfred on Single Serving Podcast

I'm proud to share a transcription of my conversation with Shani Silver, founder of Single Serving Podcast, a podcast (and community!) dedicated to change the narrative around being single (spoiler alert: it's not a bad thing after all). In it, I share about my journey from litigation attorney (Shani and I met in law school!) to self love philosopher. I hope you enjoy this chat as much as I enjoyed having it. The link to the podcast episode is available at the end of this post. Shani Silver: Welcome to A Single Serving Podcast. This is where we change the discussion around...

Article on The MINE Necklace Makes A Bold Statement About Belonging


The MINE Necklace Makes A Bold Statement About Belonging

I'm so proud to launch my latest product, the MINE necklace. The MINE necklace makes a bold statement to the world about belonging.  What does it mean to belong? It is both a matter of possession, and inclusion. We spend much of our lives seeking to belong- to a person, to a group. And sometimes in that pursuit, we relinquish our autonomy, our worth, our very wholeness with ourselves. This statement necklace tells the world, I am MINE. Is there a more powerful statement to be made? When you wear it, you take possession of yourself, and responsibility for yourself....

Article on Why Ruby is the Ultimate Self Love Gem


Why Ruby is the Ultimate Self Love Gem

Rubies are the ultimate self love gem, and our ruby Self Love Pinky Ring is the only ruby you’ll ever need (especially if you’re a July babe and ruby is your birthstone!). Not only will it improve your relationship with yourself, but it has a number of other associated benefits, which you can find listed below: 1. Enhanced Intimate Relationships Need to spice up your relationships? Ruby is known for being an epitome of undying love, evoking feelings of love, warmth, and compassion. Even more, ruby will help you to resolve conflicts and fix underlying problems with others.   2. More...

Article on The Alexandrite Self Love Pinky Ring Is Here (June Birthstone Ring!)


The Alexandrite Self Love Pinky Ring Is Here (June Birthstone Ring!)

At long last, and after many requests, the Alexandrite Self Love Pinky Ring has arrived and she doesn't disappoint. Pictures simply don't do this gem justice. Perhaps the most magical stone we've introduced yet, the color-changing Alexandrite mysteriously shifts from a dreamy blue to a rich purple depending on the light.  While Alexandrite is the June birthstone and represents our Gemini and Cancer sisters born in June, it's the perfect choice for anyone who is navigating a period of change (basically - all of us). The chameleon-like Alexandrite is connected with concentration and learning. It is a reminder that change is the...

Article on How To Keep Your Self Love Pinky Ring Sparkling


How To Keep Your Self Love Pinky Ring Sparkling

When we designed the Self Love Pinky Ring, our intention was to create a ring that you would wear every single day as a symbol and reminder of your commitment to yourself. Just like you need self care to stay your sparkling best, so does your pinky ring. Here are our top four tips for keeping your Self Love Pinky Ring as bright and shiny as you are: 1. Give Your Ring a Bath Whether you have a Sterling Silver or Solid Gold Ring, it’s a good idea to give your ring a bath every month or so to remove...

Article on My Name Is Melody, And I'm A Highly Sensitive Person


My Name Is Melody, And I'm A Highly Sensitive Person

I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my story as a highly sensitive person with Authority Magazine. See below for the most vulnerable and freeing interview of my life. Reframe Your Sensitivities as Superpowers. When I was a litigation attorney, my sensitivity was something that made it impossible for me to do my job. I remember one project in particular, where I was tasked with tabulating and explaining all the bills that had accumulated during a years-long case (the bills my firm had charged added up to millions), I felt so bad for the client that I could barely speak. Now...

Article on Blue Topaz Self Love Pinky Ring: Blue is the Closest Color to Truth


Blue Topaz Self Love Pinky Ring: Blue is the Closest Color to Truth

You are uniquely you. There is no one else like you. Just YOU. And the world wants to hear you. Find your way home to yourself, to your voice and self expression with our mesmerizing, natural Blue Topaz Self Love Pinky Ring. If you’re a December baby looking for a blue topaz birthstone ring, or someone who needs to find and express your voice, the Blue Topaz Self Self Love Pinky Ring is for you. The dreamy and intense blue topaz brings awareness to your own intuition and inner guidance. As you venture forward with your self-love journey, adorn blue...

Article on The Garnet Self Love Pinky Ring Is Here to Empower You


The Garnet Self Love Pinky Ring Is Here to Empower You

Just in time for our January babies, I’m excited to announce this month’s featured stone: Garnet! Garnet is the January birthstone, carries the perfect energy for starting the new year, and is a celebrity fave. The garnet gemstone, which is a rich mystical red, is known for its ability to battle negativity and create balance between the mind and emotions. By keeping away the negative and letting in the positive, the garnet stone helps bring energy, strength and direction. It also helps detox the body and promotes sexual energy. Historically it is a stone that has been used for healing, to strengthen, and to...

Article on The Self Love Pinky Ring Birthstones Collection


The Self Love Pinky Ring Birthstones Collection

While we love the original white sapphire Self Love Pinky Ring that started it all, it’s exciting to now offer the Self Love Pinky Ring birthstones collection so you can make your ring extra personal. Each stone is metaphysically charged with certain benefits and meanings, so make sure to read through them all to pick the birthstone and Self Love Pinky Ring that is just right for you.   January Birthstone: Garnet Self Love Pinky Ring Garnet, with its rich, mystical red,  is known to eliminate negative feelings and instill confidence and mental clarity. This gorgeous gem also promotes creative thinking and peace...

Article on The Fred and Far Choose Yourself Manifesto by Melody Godfred


The Fred and Far Choose Yourself Manifesto by Melody Godfred

Woman: Reclaim yourself. Wear a symbol of belonging To yourself. 🔻 Redeem yourself. Carve out a moment to delight. To discover. To be. 🔻 Remember yourself. You’re the catalyst. You’re the cause. You’re the one. 🔻 Engage yourself. In life. In love. In health. Revive yourself. Shed the weight of uncertainty. Of responsibility. Of pain. Of disappointment. Of pressure. Commit to something better. 🔻 Choose. Choose happiness. Choose love. Choose power. Choose fulfillment. Choose choice. Choose yourself. 🔻 Melody Godfred